Teaching Your Child About the Crowning of Mary


May is the Crowning of Mary, a longstanding Catholic tradition that honors the Virgin Mary. During this time, the “May Crowning” is held, where a statue or image of Mary is presented with a floral crown and other crafted items. We hope this information helps to teach your child all about this wonderful Catholic tradition.

Long-standing Traditions
Catholic churches traditionally bless Mary by creating a dedicated area to place a picture or statue of Mary surrounded by flowers and other devotional items. The tribute remains up throughout the entire month so to memorialize our Mother Mary in Church and in our personal lives. In order to symbolize her significance, the “May Crowning” is set up to display her queenship as the mother of God. It’s important to note that Mary is not a goddess we worship; she is venerated as the mother of Christ and the most important woman in our faith’s history. Because she gave birth to that Holy Body, she is our own mother who gave birth to us spiritually.

Month of May
During the month of May, Catholics have long honored Mary with special devotions, traditions, and observations. These devotions have led her to be known as the “Queen of May.” Dating all the way back to early Greece, May has been observed as a dedication to Greek goddesses, such as Artemis, the goddess of fecundity. In medieval times, winter’s end in early May marked a time of growth and new beginnings. It was at this time that the “Tricesimum” (“30-Day Devotion to Mary” or “Lady Month”) period began and special devotions to the Mother of God started. Starting from Italy, it spread throughout the world. During the final devotion on the last day of May, a procession follows and the structure of Mary is taken back into the church.


At-Home Adoration
You may be wondering how you can honor our Mother from home. While social distancing, we recommend assembling an Adoration right in your home. We understand that it isn’t the same as attending an in-person worship service, but it’s important to be patient during these difficult times. Display a statue or image of Mary in a designated place. Place flowers and votive candles around the altar. Your child can create a special crown out of flowers and other crafted items. View church worship services virtually, listen to praise music, or read the Scripture with your child, while praying the Rosary. Each May, the Church seeks the special intercession of Mary. Let's join in prayer through the rosary this May as we seek the assistance of Our Lady! Remember Jesus is with you.

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