Teach Your Child the True Meaning of Christmas

What is Christmas all about? Ask your child and see what he says. He might excitingly say it’s all about Santa, presents, cookies, the tree, and lights! But you want to explain to him it’s not about all those surface-level things. What is it really about? Jesus. He must be included in all of your celebrations and traditions. And you’re wondering how to explain that to your young child. Polk County Catholic schools has ideas for how you can share with your child what the true meaning of this holiday is.


Explain the Meaning of Advent
The beginning of the Church’s liturgical year starts with Advent. Advent is a time of preparation for us to open our hearts and minds to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas Day. The Advent season has four Sundays and weekdays. We use an Advent wreath to count down the days to celebrate Christmas. But, the wreath itself has very interesting symbolisms. The wreath is made of various evergreens that signify continuous life. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life we find in Christ. The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent, and one candle is lit each Sunday.

Read the Scripture Nightly
Christmas is all about the birth of our savior. What better way to connect with the Holy Spirit than through prayer? Every night before, read a passage from the Bible to help your child understand his God’s birth. Add each scripture to your daily advent calendar. 

Play with a Nativity Scene
Most of us have a policy about not touching our beautiful nativity scenes. But children love to play and learn. To better understand Christmas, he should have his own nativity scene that he can be hands-on with. Use arts and crafts, or purchase a playset. Now he can play and understand our history simultaneously! 


Play Music and Sing-Along
Music has a way of bringing people together and making us feel connected to God. your child can understand the message of Christ through music. Love to Know has a great list of Christ-centered songs for children. Discuss the words, such as “manger” and songs together — after singing along, of course!

Emulate Christ
Your child will learn through action. If he sees you doing good deeds, he will learn quicker and have a deeper understanding of giving back. Visit an animal shelter, feed the homeless, or donate clothes and toys.

At Polk County Catholic schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


Holiday Service Project Ideas


Teaching Christmas Songs to Your Child