6 Ways to Share Your Faith in School
While most public schools discourage children from discussing faith in their curriculum, we aim to create an environment that allows children to be steadfast in their beliefs, as well as challenged in their studies. Here are some tips to encourage your children to share their faith with other students.SymbolsA simple cross, crucifix necklace, or bracelet helps remind you of Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins, and tells others of your faith. Use a bookmark with a prayer or Bible reading on it, or carry rosary beads in your pocket. Be ThankfulA short prayer before meals takes less than 10 seconds. Show your gratitude for the food you consume by giving thanks to God. The prayer does not need to be out loud, but can be prayed in the silence of your heart. Simply pause, close your eyes, pray, and eat. Have MercyForgiveness is a skill everyone should develop. If someone acts rashly toward you, and you do not respond to their threat or intimidation the way they intended, this leaves them confused. Every time we show mercy to someone, we give them the opportunity to correct their actions. Catch others off guard by being pleasant and smiling to those who try to bring you down.Live Your FaithBe kind to others. Smile. Respect others. Be optimistic. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Your friendliness could be the light during someone else’s hardships.Be KindJesus was fond of breaking bread with all people - good, bad, and even the rejected. Many children falsely believe the student sitting alone is unapproachable or they prefer to be alone. Find out by asking, “would you like me to sit with you?” The student may be overwhelmed with happiness at the recognition they’ve finally received. Friendships are built on one person breaking the ice and speaking to another. Build a community by seeking out those who often sit alone or are last to be picked for a team.Give to OthersWhen you give your time and talent to an organization desperately in need of a strong pair of hands or a willing attitude, you spread blessings to all those you come in contact with. The Diocese of Orlando has dozens of charities they support; look on their website for opportunities to serve others.Don’t hide your faith; let other students know your faith through your actions and positive attitude. Keep it short, though, and allow them to process the information and ask more questions. Even better, invite them to Mass so they can experience Catholicism.At our Lakeland private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about our private schools in Lakeland, contact us at 407-246-4800.