Back-to-School Tips for a Great Start to the Year

Whether you already miss summer or you’re counting down the days to the new school year, it’s crucial to lay the right foundation for a productive year. Use these tips from private schools in Polk County, FL to make sure your children are prepared for the new year.Get Children on the Right ScheduleYour child might be used to late bedtimes and leisurely mornings, so gradually ease them into a school schedule. Depending on your child, consider spending around two weeks moving back to a regular sleep and wake schedule, going a little earlier every few days.Become Familiar with the SchoolMany schools have a “meet the teacher” day one or two weeks prior to the first day of school. Make it a priority to get to your child’s classroom on this day! Your child will get the chance to meet her teacher, put her supplies away, and get used to the layout of the classroom. Give yourself enough time to walk the halls of the school, and show your child which route to take to her classroom. Look for landmarks like bathrooms, the library, and the school office.Create a Daily ScheduleA new school year means that your child has new responsibilities to juggle, from family time and homework to extracurriculars. Lay out a rough schedule for each day of the week, making time for scheduled activities and family time. Add in plenty of space for homework — you can always adjust later once your child knows what her assignments are. Share this schedule with your child, letting her know exactly what you expect of her and what her responsibilities are. Suggest that she set some expectations for herself as well!Reinforce Your Children’s Social ConnectionsTake advantage of free time by setting up playdates for your child. This gives her the chance to share her summer adventures with school friends and figure out who she can hang out with at lunch and recess. Having good friends can make the first few months of school much easier!Encourage Good Learning HabitsHelp your little one get used to making time for learning. Visit the museum, pick up some new books to read, and review some concepts from last school year. Doing so can help him ease into a homework routine.Don’t Forget the Importance of Food and SleepHealthy food and a good night of sleep can make every day just a little bit easier. Take a little bit of extra time to prepare healthy meals, and set up a solid bedtime routine. By planning ahead, you can make sure your children have everything they need for a great school year!At our private schools in Polk County, FL, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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