Easter Traditions Your Kids Will Always Remember


When your kids grow up, have kids of their own, and reminisce on the Easters of their childhood, they won’t remember all the candy and chocolate they got each year. Instead, they’ll fondly remember the traditions: the Peep-eating contests between them and their cousins; the years with reverse Easter egg hunts, where they hid Easter eggs for the parents to find; and delivering Easter baskets to the elderly members of the church. Easter traditions are important. They will not only entertain your children, but help them learn more about the value of Jesus’s sacrifice. Take a look at a few suggestions on what traditions you can start this year!Easter Egg CountdownSimilar to an Advent calendar, countdown to Easter by opening a plastic egg every day. However, instead of receiving a piece of candy, pray as a family for the person or cause written on the slip inside. Empty Tomb RollsSomewhat like an inside-out cinnamon roll, these delicious, kid-friendly cinnamon bites hide a melting marshmallow. Explain the miracle of Easter by relating the disappearing marshmallow to Jesus’s resurrection. Find the recipe here.Magic Jelly Bean Garden“Plant” jelly beans in your garden or the grass of your yard with your little ones. Later, you can stick a treat in the ground (perhaps a peep marshmallow on a stick) and when you return to check on the “seeds” later, your child will be thrilled to find their jellybean has magically bloomed!The key to turning this tradition into a positive influence is to talk to your children about the magic beans. Rather than just giving them the candy to plant, turn it into a learning opportunity. They can earn the beans by incorporating good virtues they should practice during Lent, such as patience, kindness, and gratitude. Easter WalkWalk your children through the last week of Jesus’s life with this simple activity. Each of the eight days leading up to Easter, open an envelope and an egg. Every day represents a different theme and corresponding scripture and challenge.Glow-in-the-Dark Easter Egg HuntThis evening family activity will entertain your kids AND help you track down all the eggs before the lawn mower finds them!What you’ll need:

  • Medium or large plastic Easter eggs

  • Bendable glow sticks

  • Tape

  • Candy

How to make it work:

  1. Snap the glow sticks so they begin to glow. Then, place them inside the eggs along with some candy.

  2. Tape the egg shut and hide it!

  3. Have fun!

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