Healthy Snacking Tips for Busy Families
Life is a whirlwind once school begins. With school, work, sports, meetings, lessons, and clubs, it seems impossible to plan a family dinner, much less worry about snacks. However, creating a healthy snacking habit will benefit everyone in the family. Grabbing a brownie or cookie as you rush out the door may seem easy, but the burst of energy only lasts a short while. Keep your family’s momentum going after school with these great snacks.Begin with the Basics The fewer ingredients in your food, the better it is for you. In the grocery store, most fresh foods are located along the perimeter, with the processed and packaged foods in the center aisles. By shopping around the store, you are more likely to grab foods with one ingredient (like eggs and carrots) and a few combined foods (such as salads). Stock the Refrigerator You have probably heard the dreaded “What’s there to eat?” as your child stares into the depths of the refrigerator. Prep snacks in individual containers and make sure they are clearly labeled. If it’s easy to grab a bag of carrots with a little ranch dressing, you’ll be ready when hunger (or boredom) strikes. Bake Treats TogetherSpend family time baking together to maximize your busy schedules. Challenge your children to create an angel food cake from scratch with you. With only a handful of ingredients and a delicious, light taste, angel food cake is great topped with fresh fruit. Create Easy Access Want something eaten? Leave it on the counter. Have a bowl of seasonal fruits handy: oranges in the winter, strawberries in the spring, and apples in the fall. If you have access to a farmers’ market, buy locally to help the economy in your area, support local growers, and purchase fresher products.God has given each of us one chance to live a healthy life. The choices your children make now will affect what and how they eat as adults. Provide them with healthy choices so they will be more likely to excel at school and in life.At our Polk County Catholic schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about our Catholics schools in Polk County, contact us at 407-246-4800.