Preparing for Open House

dsc_0685The desks are arranged in neat rows, colorful pictures adorn hallways and classroom bulletin boards, and students have chosen their best work to showcase how successful they have been this school year. It must be time for an open house at Catholic schools in Polk County.Many schools combine Open House with Parent/Teacher Conferences. Teachers are able to meet briefly with parents and guardians concerning each child’s specific accomplishments and goals as work is highlighted and praised. Parents are able to better understand their children’s schedules – at what time recess occurs, how long lunch lasts, if students have a dedicated reading time during the day, and how music and art fit into the curriculum. To make the most of Open House at the schools in Polk County, read the following tips to prepare yourself to be transported into a day in the school life of your child.

  • Talk to your child beforehand: Ask what he or she likes most about school and what could change for the better.
  • Bring a list of questions you would like to ask your child’s teacher: This will aid in keeping the conversation on track and help you remember everything you wish to say.
  • Ask about your child’s schedule to determine whether you might need to change lunch items: If your child is a slow eater, you may need to bulk up lunch with more protein to make the most of lunchtime. Recess is another point to bring up: is ample time given to release energy? Are recess times structured or are children allowed to play without restraint?
  • Look around the room through the eyes of a child: How cozy is the room? Are the chairs and tables appropriate for the sizes of the students? How many computers are readily available? Are the floors clean and aisles clear? Would you like to learn in this room?
  • Ask about homework assignments: Homework is generally an issue with students and families. Ask how homework is assigned, whether students have time to work on homework during class, and how long it should take to complete homework. A good rule of thumb is a child should have 10 minutes of homework for each grade he or she is in.1 For instance, a second grader should have 20 minutes of homework every night (or a total of one hour and 40 minutes a week) while a 7th grader should have 70 minutes of homework a night.

Knowing how to prepare for an open house will give you a fresh look at your child’s school and what is expected for each class. When you understand a spelling test is every Thursday or a study guide is online before every math test, you will be able to help your child succeed. To learn more about Catholic schools in Polk County, visit the Diocese of Orlando’s website and call 407-246-4903.1


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