What Are Spiritual Gifts?

The beauty of the Church lies in its diversity. We’re all different, but we come together to worship God. We have different stories, different backgrounds, and different spiritual gifts, and just as it says in 1 Corinthians 12, these God-given gifts allow the Church to function as one body. Private schools in Polk County, FL, share about a few types of spiritual gifts.Establishing and Growing ChurchesSeveral gifts empower believers to build new churches or help established churches grow.

  • Apostleship: You easily build connections with people from all cultures and backgrounds. You may feel called to become a missionary, or you may enjoy developing new leaders.
  • Prophecy: God uses you as a vessel and speaks through you. You are aware of the Holy Spirit and the needs of the Church.
  • Evangelism: You intentionally share God with others in loving, meaningful ways.
  • Teaching: You empower others to learn, and you love the truth and speak the truth in love.

Gifts of MinistryThere are many gifts essential to the ongoing ministry of a church.

  • Knowledge: You have an insatiable desire to learn and bring understanding to God’s Word.
  • Wisdom: While this gift focuses on bringing truth and understanding, it is shown through transformed hearts and lives.
  • Faith: You have a strong conviction in God’s plan.
  • Healing: You are compassionate towards the sick, pray for them regularly, and bring aid and comfort to others.
  • Miracles: You see God’s miraculous power in everyday life and help others see it as well.
  • Discernment: You have deep intuition and insight and can clearly see God’s hand in all situations.
  • Leadership: You look to the future and lead relationally.
  • Administration: You are gifted at organizing people and resources, and you pay attention to details.

Supporting GiftsThese gifts keep believers active behind the scenes of a church.

  • Exhortation: You encourage others, especially when they’re down, and thrive on helping someone maximize their full potential.
  • Servanthood: Despite your own needs, you work willingly and joyfully on behalf of others.
  • Compassion: You deeply feel the struggles of others and move others to action. Rather than asking if you should help, you immediately focus on how you can.

ReflectConsider the beauty of your church community, and reflect on the people you know who demonstrate these gifts. Think about what they bring to the church and how different it would be without them, recognizing the value of each gift.Identify Your GiftWhile there are a variety of spiritual gifts tests, start by asking yourself what you enjoy doing. Did you feel drawn to a particular gift while reading? Talk to close family or friends to learn what they see in you. As you explore your gift, contemplate how you’ve seen this gift in your actions, how it relates to your passions, and how you can use it for the glory of God.At our private schools in Polk County, FL, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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