4 Activities to Do With Mom

IMG_6010Mother's Day is right around the corner. If you are still contemplating the perfect gift, read the below information brought to you by the Diocese of Orlando. These clever ideas will make Mom’s Day even more special because you cared enough to plan a special day with her in mind. Rest assured the Catholic schools in Polk County will plan a tea or a homemade treasure for Mother's Day as well.

  • Plan a Themed Lunch

Go all out and invite moms and grandmothers to a Mexican fiesta or lunch at a French bistro. Plan the details carefully with colorful piñatas, bold striped tablecloths, Spanish music, and aromatic dishes of Mexican cuisine for your lunch over the border. Plan a taco building party or a more elegant meal. The French bistro requires wrought-iron tables and chairs decorated with red checked tablecloths and fresh flowers, croissants, strong coffee, berets, and soup du jour with French bread.

  • Picture Perfect

Parents and grandparents love to watch home movies or look through photo albums of their children growing up. This is an excellent experience for the younger generation to better understand life during the times IMG_6009their elders were children. Open the albums and let the stories begin, or grab some popcorn and show videos of life “back then.” Children love seeing their parents’ favorite outfits (which seem so dated now) and places they may have visited decades before, especially if the children have visited the same places.

  • Gardening for Life

Plant a tree in honor of your mom or grandmother, or start a garden in the front yard. May is a great time to plant many fruits and vegetables if you would like to harvest fresh produce later in the year. If your family appreciates the beauty of flowers, buy a flat of mixed blooming plants to liven up the front walkway. Plant your flowers in decorative planters or directly in the soil. A little water and sunlight will bring months of beautiful blooms.

  • Printing Made Easy

IMG_6011Handprints and footprints are easily captured in a plaster of Paris mold available at hobby shops, or a simple ink pad can do the trick. These mementos are always precious, but repeating the event yearly gives a lasting impression of how much children grow over the course of time. Many books have great ideas on thumbprint art, creating simple or elaborate art using the pad of the thumb and multiple colors of ink. Let your imagination run wild as you press your prints into the shape of butterfly wings, flower petals, fluffy clouds, or animals.Make Mom’s Day extra special with any of these activities. Keep in mind the best gift given is time; spend time with your mother as you honor the greatest gift she could give you – life. The Catholic schools in Polk County pay special tribute to Jesus’s mother, Mary, as part of their May festivities. Visit the Polk County Catholic school website and read our blogs concerning family life, education, and spirituality.Save


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