8 Tips from Your Polk County School Teachers

School is out, but we know that our Polk County school teachers give excellent advice all year long! During the summer months, our teachers want to help your children keep themselves in tip-top shape in preparation for the new school year in the fall. We’ve compiled some tips from a variety of teachers throughout the county.

  • Mrs. Patty Becker | St. Anthony Catholic School

Use the summer to develop your time, talent, and treasure. The summer is an excellent time to try to find new ways to help others. It is also a great time to broaden horizons. Try something new, take up a new sport, or visit new locations!

  • Mrs. Amanda Gaspary | Santa Fe Catholic High School

This summer is a great opportunity to read! Pick up a new book for your children or read the summer assigned book along with your child.

  • Mrs. Cindy Stanford | Resurrection Catholic School

Take some time to help parents around the house. Parents work hard to provide children with the best education and lifestyle that they can, so summer is a great time for students to give back. A little help goes a long way! This also helps teach skills such as responsibility and time management. Additionally, summer is a good time to add more faith to your life. Attend church each Sunday as a family, and take time to reflect on faith.

  • Mrs. Katherine Wilson | St. Anthony Catholic School

Relax and rejuvenate in preparation for the new year. Also, support fundamental skills during the summer, especially reading.

  • Mr. William Dickerson | Santa Fe Catholic High School

Mr. Dickerson is going to be spending his summer doing things he enjoys, but also seeking out history monuments he hasn’t seen before, as he is always expanding his knowledge. This is something you can do with your children, as well!

  • Mrs. Lisa Schaal | Resurrection Catholic School

Summer can be all about curiosity and discovery. Seek out new experiences, and constantly ask, “why?” Take some time to see space shuttle launches, explore the outdoors, and even use the pool to learn about density.

  • Mrs. Abbie Bowen | St. Anthony Catholic School

The one thing Mrs. Bowen suggests you do over the summer is stay up to date on multiplication tables. Sit down with some flashcards and practice, practice, practice! This will help students when they return to school.

  • Mrs. Diana Skalski | Santa Fe Catholic High School

Expose your children to travel, and turn each adventure into a learning experience. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about history, other cultures, and the world as a whole.Our teachers have many tips for students and families this summer, but they also have some pretty fascinating summer plans! Check out their summer adventures.

When school is back in session, the teachers in Polk County schools will be thrilled to hear about your child’s summer! Keep reading our blog for more summer tips and activities.


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