Helping Children Develop an Inner Voice

With a strong inner voice, children aren’t stumbling through their days without direction. The Diocese of Orlando’s private schools in Lakeland, Florida ensure their students are able to listen to their inner voice to help them see the world from their own vantage point and help others. A very simple method of helping children develop an inner voice is through strengthening their faith. Below are a few ideas to help children hear and respond to their inner voice.Praise GodHave your child thank his or her Heavenly Father for life’s blessings. From a good test grade, a great day at a water park, or a favorite breakfast, send up a quick prayer of thanks frequently for little blessings.Praise OthersIf someone opens a door, picks up a dropped pencil, or completes a household chore for your child, have your child say “thank you” to ensure that person knows he or she is appreciated.Receive PraiseMany parents never realize they deny praise. When their response is, “It was nothing,” it appears to their child they really do not want to be praised and the child may, in turn, believe praise is unnecessary. Instead, give a heartfelt “you are welcome” when someone thanks you, and be sure your children respond when someone thanks them.Learn PatienceAs children grow in faith, they also generally grow in patience. Have them listen to their inner voice when someone inadvertently hurts their feelings. Remind your child that not everyone has realized God’s grace and they must have patience with these individuals.Study the BibleGod’s word can calm the mind and spirit when your child feels troubled. Knowing how much God loves us provides hope. Sharing the Gospel with others spreads positive enthusiasm from one soul to the next.Your child will be more reassured and ready to take on the world when his or her inner voice guides thoughts and actions. Lead your child through these activities until they become a part of the daily routine. Set an example by thinking aloud and you may find your inner voice leading you through the day! Call the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4800 to learn about our private schools in Lakeland, Florida, and read our blogs for more positive information on helping your child succeed in life.


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