Dinner: Quality Family Time

Eating dinner as a family does not need to be something you watch on television or fantasize about. It can and should be a common occurrence. Research has shown a strong correlation between increased school grades and eating dinner with family. Likewise, children are less likely to suffer from eating disorders, drug abuse, and depression when they eat with friends or family. If you would like to see your child excel in a Diocese of Orlando’s Polk County private school, consider eating dinner together. Below are a few pointers to make family dinners a reality.Any Kind of Family MealsAlthough most research focuses on dinner, the meal you share does not need to be the last of the day. If you are more likely to eat breakfast, lunch, brunch, or a snack together, choose any of those times. The main idea is to sit together in a stress-free environment and share a good meal.No Time? No Problem!Meals do not have to be home-baked to benefit the family. Order a pizza or take advantage of one of the services that prepare the meal and sends the ingredients to you so a gourmet meal can be prepared in less than 30 minutes. You can also plan your menu and cook or bake meals one day during the week, then warm the meals when you arrive home from work. Making a double recipe generally takes the same amount of time, and freezing the extra can give you two more meals.Prepare as a FamilyMeals do not need to be elaborate to be tasty. Boiling noodles and adding a can of sauce is an instant spaghetti dinner that can be prepared by your children and ready when you arrive home from work. Even better, plan the meals as a family and prepare them together. When your children understand how much work is involved in preparing a meal, they will be more thankful for the effort.Pray TogetherA genuine prayer of thankfulness for the food and those who prepare it as well as those who eat it means a lot to everyone at the table. Praying before the meal also sets the tone for the table and calms the spirit.Share the Latest NewsAsk and recall the day’s events, sharing what you believe will generate conversation. Take the time to ask if anything is due for your child’s Polk County private school classes, which may stimulate a homework hour! Normally quiet children may open up to their parents if they are in a comfortable setting such as the dinner table.Family meals are a fantastic method to share more than food; memories, ideas, and information are all generated when you sit down at the table. Learn more about engaging your children by reading our blogs, and contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4800 to learn how your child can enroll in a Polk County private school next year. 


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