The Diocese of Orlando invites its parishioners and Lakeland Catholic school students to ponder the four marks of the Catholic Church.

When Catholic parents first present their child to the church during baptism, they are asked to bring up their child in the Catholic faith. This seems a straightforward task, but, much like other aspects of parenting, there is no rulebook on raising children. How can parents fulfill this obligation? While prayer is an integral part, it is not as simple as asking God, Mary, or a patron saint to “pray for us,” because Catholics are appointed to live their faith. Below are a few guidelines based on the Ten Commandments that the Diocese of Orlando has for parents, in order to raise their Polk County private school children within the Catholic faith.  “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.”Common societal norms such as designer clothes, smart phones, and video games cause children – and adults – to idolize possessions rather than God. Move the material goods to the side and place God in the center of your lives. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”Even in jest, any phrase that includes names of the Holy Trinity is blasphemous. Instead of holding your tongue only in the presence of children, work on permanently removing all offensive language from your vocabulary. “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.”God asks for us to come together on Sunday to celebrate Mass. Spend the day in contemplation of His good works by sharing time with family and refraining from work. “Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not steal.”As parents, we are not in the habit of killing or stealing from others, yet many of us are in the habit of watching movies and television shows where these acts are performed regularly. Children perceive what they see as normal when it is shown repeatedly, even on television. Turn off the dramas and sitcoms until after the little ones are tucked into bed. Read the remainder of the commandments from a parental standpoint and ask yourself, “am I behaving in a manner that reflects the commandments?” If you are unsure, err on the side of safety and stop the activity. Read the blogs on the Diocese of Orlando’s website for information on Catholic families, and contact the Diocese at 407-246-4800 to ask about enrolling your child in a Polk County private school.


6 Lessons Your Child can Learn about Relationships from Catholic Saints


The Four Marks of the Church