The Four Marks of the Church

Every time Catholics recite the Nicene Creed, they are establishing their beliefs in the four marks of the Catholic Church. However, many Catholics are not aware of these four marks or their true meaning. The Diocese of Orlando invites you and your child attending a Lakeland Catholic school to ponder the Nicene Creed and its incorporation of the four marks of the Catholic Church during your next Mass.Defining the Catholic faith is much easier when using the four marks. Below is an overview of each individual mark as discussed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

  1. The Church is OneThe mystery of the Trinity of Persons – one God consisting of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit – exemplifies the mark of One. The foundation of the Church by the Prince of Peace who reconciled humanity by His death on the cross united mankind into one body.


  1. The Church is HolyThe Catholic Church is considered unfailingly holy because Christ gave himself to the Church just as a bridegroom gives himself to his bride. This sanctification of the Church is culminated by the joining of Christ with the Church, the creating of one body, and also with each parishioner within that body becoming holy because they are the People of God.


  1. The Church is CatholicJesus is present in the Church; therefore, the Church is Catholic. The body of the Church with Christ at its head gives the Church and its members “…the means of salvation [through]…confession of faith, full sacramental life, and ordained ministry in apostolic succession.” The Catholic Church came to fruition on the first Pentecost and will be ever present until Parousia. Jesus ordained the Church to continue his missionary ministry to the whole of the human race – the third feature of the Catholic mark.


  1. The Church is ApostolicThe Catholic Church was founded on the apostles and their works in three distinct methods – first, Jesus ordained His apostles to go forth on missions to spread the Gospel; second, the Holy Spirit, dwelling within the ministers of the Church, carries forth the original apostolic teachings to its parishioners; and third, the Catholic Church is continual “…taught, sanctified, and guided by the apostles…” until the return of our Savior. Peter’s successor, the Pope, along with the College of Bishops and each Priest within a Catholic parish, act to unify the Church.

 Learn more about the Catholic faith and the four marks of the Catholic Church by studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church, enrolling your child in a Lakeland Catholic school, and attending Mass. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4800 to learn about our schools and Mass schedules, and feel free to peruse our blogs for information pertaining to the Catholic faith.


The Diocese of Orlando invites its parishioners and Lakeland Catholic school students to ponder the four marks of the Catholic Church.


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