Prayer Starter Kit for Kids


Incorporate faith into your child’s life with a prayer starter kit. The kit includes all of the tools your child needs to maintain their relationship with God. Help your child grow his spiritual life with these religious tools.

Your child should familiarize himself with the prayers of the Rosary. The rosary is a Scripture-based prayer that starts with the “Apostles’ Creed.” One of the most powerful tools from the Church, use the Rosary to count prayers and assist in your child’s daily routine. A rosary usually has sets of 10 beads, with larger beads representing decades. The purpose is to help maintain the memory of specific events in history that led to our salvation.


Mass is the foundation of prayer life. If your family already attends Sunday Mass, step it up by going to daily mass. Attend a virtual mass with live-stream platforms, such as YouTube and Facebook, with your child’s peers.

Every child needs his own Bible. There are so many to choose from. You can even select one based on your child’s age. Buying your child a Bible sets the stage for him to understand he is expected to read the Bible as part of his Catholic education. This year, Thriving Home released a list of Bible recommendations from a children’s ministry director. The list includes the best children’s Bibles for every age! Let your child be a part of the selection process so he can feel excited about the Scripture.


Prayer Box
Remind your child that God is always close by and listening. A prayer box is where your child can pray to God and know that it’s private. He can make his own to add a personal touch to it. Then, he will write out what he needs to say. Prompts include: “Lord, help me with...,” “God, forgive me for…,” or “Please bless…” When he’s done writing his prayers, he can put the prayer into the box.

Liturgy of the Hours
All priests and religious figures pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Consisting of psalms, canticles, and more, it is prayed five times a day — the morning prayer, the midday prayer, the evening prayer, the night prayer and the office of readings. One of the most important hours is the morning, so we recommend incorporating prayer every morning when your child wakes up.

Because children do best with routines,  your family should make prayer a part of your everyday routine. Create a calendar and block off times for prayer based on your schedules. Using the calendar will help your child understand that prayer is an important part of the day.

The Catholic schools located in Polk County foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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