10 Key Senior Takeaways

2016BaccaloreateMass2(1)Seniors at Santa Fe Catholic High School are now able to look back over their four years enrolled in the best Polk County Catholic high school in the Diocese of Orlando and realize many things they wish they knew four years ago. To make the journey toward graduation easier for the Class of 2021 and beyond, the Santa Fe graduating class has compiled a list of what you really need to know to make your days at SFC the best possible.

  1. The students, teachers, and staff form a tight-knit community. If you have any questions or concerns, your Santa Fe family will help and support you.
  2. The students you begin ninth grade with will soon become more than constant companions; they will be your best friends. The time you spend at SFC will help you build and maintain great friendships. These close connections make your life much easier since you can depend on others when you forget when assignments are due or what the theme for your English essay is.
  3. Be open to making new friends. Make a point to talk to as many people as possible, and give everyone a chance.
  4. It takes hard work to attain your goals. Work hard and don’t cut corners.
  5. Being driven helps you meet your goals. Keep your head up and focus on the goal until it is met.
  6. Time management is vital. Use a paper planner or an app to write down when assignments, papers, and projects are due for each class. Know how to prioritize your day to fit in as much as possible. Remember you can often do two things at once, such as reading a chapter of an assignment while you eat or plug into a recorded lesson on your earbuds while you work out.
  7. Take every opportunity to play sports you love while at SFC. Their individual and team sports offered through the Catholic Youth League allow you an outlet to prove yourself and develop strong friendships with your teammates. Working toward a common goal with a whole team is so worth it.
  8. Learn social skills while you are in SFC, such as speaking in public or the power of persuasion. These skills are vital in college, where you often have to speak in front of a class as you present your point of view.
  9. Don’t be afraid to try new things. High school is a time of experimenting, so try out for a sport you have always liked but never played, or join the drama team to try your hand at acting. You may find you are a natural for something you have not tried before. Whatever your choice, remember to be yourself!
  10. Have fun in life. Santa Fe Catholic’s classes are difficult, no doubt. You still have time to have fun and be yourself, though.

Learning from peers provides you a significant advantage before you begin something new. The Class of 2017 is happy to give these hints to their Polk County Catholic high school successors. For more information on how to succeed in school, read the blogs on the Diocese of Orlando’s website.


7 Tips from Santa Fe Graduates


Life After Graduation