7 Tips from Santa Fe Graduates

2016Graduation2(1)High school is a time of transition from adolescence to adulthood, and the four-year journey includes many instances where Polk County Catholic high school students may find themselves unprepared for what is to come. This year’s Santa Fe Catholic High School graduates have compiled seven tried and true tips to help their Diocese of Orlando underclassmen take on the challenges of high school and learn from the wisdom of the Class of 2017.   

  • Stay Focused

The amount of information and activities at Santa Fe Catholic High School can be overwhelming, especially when a major paper is due the same week you are starting in an important game, for instance. Focus on the work because it is definitely challenging. Start as early as possible because most papers and projects are bigger than you expect.

  • Build Friendships With Your Teachers

If you are not familiar with your teacher, chances are you will be uncomfortable asking him or her a question in class or emailing during the evening to clarify a homework problem. When you have a strong relationship with your teacher, the lines of communication are open and you contact your teacher more frequently. The friendship can also help your teacher understand your life outside school, which leads to a better understanding for why your performance may be better on some days than on others.

  • Don’t be Afraid to be Yourself

God makes each of us different and perfect. Love who you are and you will be more likely to form true friendships that last long after the final bell rings.

  • Don’t Procrastinate

When you are given a deadline a week away, start working on it as soon as possible. Deadlines have a bad habit of sneaking up on you and you often run out of time if you wait until the last minute. Turning work in on time improves your grades significantly and shows your teachers you know how to manage your time.

  • Be Involved

Going through the motions of the school day and leaving as soon as the bell rings does not bind you to Santa Fe or to its students as quickly as if you participate in sports, drama, band, clubs, and extracurricular activities. Volunteering is another great method for building bonds with your classmates and your community.

  • Be Confident

If you have faith in yourself, others will tend to have more faith in you. As long as you try your best at whatever you do, nobody can fault you. Even if you fail sometimes, at least you tried and learned something for your effort.

  • Make Memories

When you enter as freshmen, it seems high school will never end. So many projects, assignments, exams, games, and meets loom in front of you, your future appears endless… and then you realize you are near the end of your senior year! Take the time to attend football games, dances, socials, volunteer opportunities, concerts, or other events with your classmates. The memories you take away from Santa Fe will last forever.The power of hindsight before you begin your freshman year will help you excel through high school. The Polk County Catholic high school graduating class of 2017 gives its best to you and wants you to enjoy the greatest four years of high school imaginable! Contact the Diocese of Orlando for more information about Catholic high schools in the area.


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